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The Rendezvous
The Almanac
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The Rendezvous
The Almanac
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The Original Cowgirls Cattle Company Members 2000
Donna Airth
Arlene Aylesworth
Catherine Aylesworth
Carrie Baldwin
Betty Baptie
Lois Barkley
Pat Bateman
Sharon Bergevin
Margaret Bews
Rosemary Bews
Melanie Boothby
Yvonne Bowlen
Dixie Bradley
Janet Brewster-Stanton
Ellen Bryant
Evelyn Buckley
Tracy Buckley
Wendy Butters
Yvonne Callaway
Susan Calvert
Audrey Cammaert
Krista Caryle
Marlene Carr
Shawna Carr
Wendy Cartwright
Marg Chalack
Jacqueline Chalmers
Ellen Chase
Gina Church
Maureen Church
Susan Church
Wendy Church
Helen Conrad
Lilian Conrad
Aileen Copithorne
Clare Copithorne
Irene Copithorne
Judy Copithorne
Melba Copithorne
Miriam Copithorne
Pattie Copithorne
Patty Copithorne
Sandy Copithorne
Shannon Copithorne
Teresa Copithorne
Shan Cross
Kay Daines
Carol Dutchik
Claudia Edge
Dixie Edge
Dorothy Edge
Irene Edge
Judy Edge
Lila Edge
Pat Edge
Ruth Edge
Shirley Edge
Cathy Elder
Marion Fehr
Tracey Feist
Diane Finstad
Bonnie Gardner
Lois Gilchrist
Thora Giles
Brenda Goode (Young)
Jane Grad
Joan Griffin
Chris Grimstead
Pam Halbert
Beryl Harden
Tammy Harden
Barb Harty
Jeanne Harvie
Robin Harvie
Clara Havens
Liz Havens
Sue Hawes
Wendy Hawes
Aurica Hawkwood
Janice Hawkwood
Fraser Hawkwood
Nielle Hawkwood
Patricia Herron
Susan Holebrook
Barb Holmes
Gail Howat
Kelly Humphreys
Sandra Humphreys
Jo Hutchinson
Ingrid Jones
JoAnn Jones-Hole
Annie Kelly
Maureen Kewley
Helen Kidd
Sandra Kimmel (Robertson)
Ann Kumlin
Evelyn Lambert
Kari Lammle
Marie Lammle
Jackie Leask
June Lore
Trina Lowe
Jan Luft
Sherri Luft
Gloria MacKenzie
Jean MacKenzie
Judy MacKenzie
Michelle MacKenzie
Mari Mattews
Brenda Maynard
Heather McCuaig
Dee McDougall
Gina McDougall Cohoe
Rose McGonigle
Agnes McInenly
Gwen McKendrick
Ann McNabb
Lynn Merkle
Mary Mjolsness
Irene Morgan
Colleen Munro
Edna Muro
Lynn Munro
Marlene Munro
Maureen L. Munro
Katie Norman
Eileen Northcott
Joanne Paterson
Joyce Pengelly
Marion Powlesland
Jan Ramsay
Ruth Ann Raynor
Alma Reeve
Jill Richards
Margery Richmond
Margaret Robertson McKinnon
Jacqueline Robinson
Katrina Robinson
Jean Rose
Tracy Sammons
Gwen Saubak
Cathine Sawchenko
Peggy Schmaltz
Diane Scott
Helen Scott
Beryl Sibbald
Cindy Sibbald
Sue Simkin
Mary Simpson
Pauli Smith
Julia Stewart
Janis Tarchuk
Deb Turner
Sunni S. Turner
Connie Ullery
Theresa (Terry) Wales
Debra Ward
Gayle Watson
Edith Wearmouth
Kay Wearmouth
Maida Wearmouth
Vernice Wearmouth
Kathleen Welham
Marilyn West
Joy West-Eklund
Joan Westerson
Patrica Wiechnik
Marilyn Will
Margo Wilson
Val Wilson
Diana Woolliams
Mary Ellen Young
Betty Zimmerman
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